So far my Book of Selfdestruction has been translated in 5 languages: Italian, German, French, Spanish and Polish. And there also has been quite some press, below you can find the listing per country.
Italy – Manuale di Autodistruzione
(published July 2nd 2020)
- This was awesome! A big interview with magazine D from the newspaper La Repubblica on 19 sep. 2020 (no link, but fortunately someone made pictures!)
- Interview on 27esima Ora, an insert of Corriere della Sera
- Interview on Huffington Post
- Interview on Open
- Interview with newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano
- review on Limina
- Writer, journalist and tv-presenter Daria Bignardia wrote about my book in Vanity Fair
- Vlogger Matteo Fumagalli liked it!
Germany – Das kleine Buch der Selbstverwüstung
(published October 16th 2020)
- Interview with the Swiss Migros Magazine: Etwas mehr Exzess würde uns guttun
- Interview with Swiss newspaper Tagesanzeiger: Statt Uns zur Perfektion zu treiben sollten wir lieber Spass haben
- Interview with Austrian newspaper Kurier: Aufruf zu mehr jugendlicher Selbstverwüstung
- German Elle Magazine wrote a very nice article about my book: Sei alles, bloß nicht perfekt: Ein Plädoyer gegen den Wahn zur Selbstoptimierung
- Interview (dubbed) on Radio Eins with Die Literaturagenten
- German writer Ildikó von Kürthy wrote a great column about my book in Brigitte Magazine, called ‘Stinken, saufen, bluten, versagen’ (unfortunately no link)
- lux FM covered the book
- Der Standard in Austria wrote a nice article: Gegen die selbstoptimierung
France – Pisser dans la Soupe
(published April 11th 2021)
- Interview with the magazine Fémitude (print only)
- Article in Psychologie Positive – Zéro Obligation
Spain – Manifiesto en contra de la Autoayuda
(published September 14th 2021)
- Review on Unlibroaldia – Valoración: Recomendable alto
- Interview on S Moda, the magazine of El Pais – “Algo va mal cuando, mirando a tu alrededor, te das cuenta de que nadie es completamente feliz” (Something goes wrong when, looking around you, you realize no one is completely happy)
- One of my favourite interviews ever, with Nius Dario – “Si queremos estar menos estresados tenemos que cambiar el mundo” (If we want to be less stressed, we have to change the world)
- Review by ABC – Ser feliz no es la solución (Being happy is not the solution)
- El Pais did a short interview for this article – La autoayuda explota en pandemia (Selfhelp exploded during the pandemic)
- Review by Kaos – Camino de perfección (Path of perfection)
- Zero Grados did a YouTube review (and I think it is positive but I’m not sure since I don’t speak Spanish)
- El Confidencial published a pre-publication of the first chapter
Poland – Księga Samozniszczenia
(published September 29th 2021)
- Review – NISZCZMY SIĘ KAŻDEGO DNIA (let’s destroy ourselves every day)
- Very nice essay about my book (with some valuable critique) on Speculatio